Capodopera a literaturii-document interbelice si una dintre cele mai tulburatoare si mai limpezitoare panorame ale vietii politice si artistice din Romania primei jumatati a secolului XX
Tur Ghidad prin strazile Oradei
Prima scrisoare scrisa de legionarii inchisi la Caracal catre Ana Pauker rugind-o sa-i lase sa slujeasca partidul comunist si tara
Event Brochure Iasi, 2017
Discussion with historian and survivor Benno Friedl about camps in Transnistria
Fragments of a Life, video with Sorana Ursu, and her granddaughter Olga Stefan about the Iasi pogrom, migration, Jewish identity, communism, and notions of home and belonging.
Iluziile Mele, documentar cu rezidenti ai caminului Moses Rosen din Bucuresti
Interview with the Jewish Romanian philosopher Sorin Vieru
Interview with the president of the Jewish Community of Iasi, Abraham Giltman