Jurnal 1935-1944 de Mihail Sebastian

Capodopera a literaturii-document interbelice si una dintre cele mai tulburatoare si mai limpezitoare panorame ale vietii politice si artistice din Romania primei jumatati a secolului XX
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"Artiști și scriitori evrei orădeni, repere de memorie din arhivele platformei Viitorul Memoriei și ale Asociației Tikvah”.

Tur Ghidad prin strazile Oradei
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Event Brochure Cluj, 2017

Event Brochure Cluj, 2017
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Event Brochure Iasi, 2017

Event Brochure Iasi, 2017
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Event Brochure Kishinev, 2017

Event Brochure Kishinev, 2017
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Discussion with historian and survivor

Discussion with two historians about the Roma Holocaust in Transnistria
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Discussion with historian and survivor

Discussion with historian and survivor Benno Friedl about camps in Transnistria
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Fragments of a Life

Fragments of a Life, video with Sorana Ursu, and her granddaughter Olga Stefan about the Iasi pogrom, migration, Jewish identity, communism, and notions of home and belonging.
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